Intersect Fitness exists to equip allied health professionals with the resources they need to serve their clients and keep their earnings.
Mariah Metzger
Founder & Owner
Mariah Metzger grew up as a “gym rat” with body builders as parents and has always had a passion for health and fitness. She spent a lot of her childhood and teen years in gymnastics, basketball, running, and training with her parents at the gym. . . at 4:45am.
Mariah’s decision to become a personal trainer came from her own health and fitness struggles with an autoimmune disease. After a bad flare of the disease in college, she was very deconditioned and had to essentially “start over” with fitness. This was humbling experience and gave her compassion for people with chronic health conditions and for the many people who struggle to make exercise a part of their life.
Mariah decided to become a Precision Nutrition certified nutrition coach after PN’s research and materials helped her improve her relationship with food and lose 30 lbs after having her daughter.
Mariah has always loved working with clients. Her first job at a local gym was great, but she soon realized it wouldn’t allow her to make a living. Trainers could only make a small fraction of what the gym was charging the clients. Mariah began training her clients at a friend’s gym for a rental fee (a percentage of her profit). Although this situation was better financially, it was difficult to train clients in a busy and crowded gym. Mariah often ended up crammed in a small corner with her client and had to begin taking clients only when the gym wouldn’t be busy.
One day in the car, Mariah said to her husband, “You know what would be great? A facility with zones that trainers could book . . . so trainers would have their own space.” About a year later, she began looking for a facility. After a lot of renovations during the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic, Intersect Fitness was able to safely open its very large bay doors, and has been able to safely remain open!
Today, Intersect Fitness is home to dozens of independent personal trainers who love having a space to provide the best possible service to their clients, while doing what they love!

We’d love to show you around.
The best way to experience Intersect Fitness is to tour our facility. Contact us below to get started!